Wednesday 20 May 2009

A New Chapter

Many things had happened since the last time I blogged: I have left China for Malaysia, and am now a junior partner of a small legal firm in a small town.

Legal practice in Malaysia is certainly very different from that in Shanghai. After all, Shanghai is a world-class metropolitan with a population equals to Malaysia’s; while Klang, the town I am now living in, is a humble port city with a fraction of Shanghai’s GDP.

This blog ‘Toh is Malaysian’ is of different nature compared to my old blog “Toh in China”. “Toh in China” aimed at recording my feelings, experience in China, whereas “Toh is Malaysian” seeks to provide a small platform for an ordinary Malaysian citizen like me to express my opinion, joy, anger etc. with reference to events that take place domestically or even internationally.

The views presented in this blog are purely mine, and are my true feelings at the material time of publishing. They may or may not be accurate or justifiable, but they are my views nevertheless.

Malaysians are now being led by a new administration which promises “1 Malaysia” – whatever that means. Multiple slogans were thrown at us by the previous administration and those slogans were proven as just slogans and nothing more. “1 Malaysian, People First. Performance Now” is the latest slogan hurled at us. Will this beautiful slogan, which carries ambiguous interpretation, bring happiness, betterment, development to Malaysia? It is still too early to tell.

I am no political analyst and this is certainly not a political blog. If you want to read about professional views on the current affairs of Malaysia, there are better blogs out there to satisfy your thirst. If you want to read about some trash just to kill your time, this is not the place for you. So, what is this blog about? Well, I too am not sure for I have not even started it!

I plan to write about whatever that flows in my mind, and if you are inspired, touched, angered or in any way affected by my articles, you are most welcome to drop your comments to share with me.
